The Bay of Discarded Papers


The Kingdom of Desk is dedicated to the pursuit of productivity and industry. At the edge of Desk is the Bay of Discarded Papers. Leftover materials are repurposed into a variety of things inclulding tiny boats that sail off into the bay, commandeered for other uses. Some of them run aground and are finally disposed of. Others may drift off to sea and be lost to the clutter of the world. Some people commendeer the boats to escape their busy lives in Desk.

I've spent a lot of time in Desk over the course of my life, and I've always thought the bay is both very beautiful and very sad. When I took this photo, a strong wind was carrying some of the unmanned boats out of the harbor and into the perils of the ocean. I searched for them while traveling the rest of the world, and only saw one, and only then for a moment. It might have been a mirage.

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